November 16, 2023

Mid-Sioux's Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R) program collects information on early childhood for programs, community members and more! Using this information can help policymakers make informed decisions regarding child care.

We are excited to share that CCR&R has added the option for instant access to real-time data on their Data webpage.

Use the feature to gather the latest data regarding specific child care services per county. Including:

  • Population
  • Average Income
  • Average Child Care Rates
  • Number of Programs
  • Total Spaces for Children
  • Programs accepting Child Care Assistance
  • IQ4K® - Quality Rating & Improvement System Participants
  • ChildNet Programs
  • CCR&R Services to Programs

CCR&R is always striving to meet their mission:

Provide resources, education and advocacy to support quality child care. CCR&R is committed to ensure that Iowa's vision is met. Every child, beginning at birth, will be healthy and successful.

child care
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Mid-Sioux Opportunity, Inc. is a not-for-profit Community Action Agency established in 1965 to fight poverty at a local level by assisting low-income families in Northwest Iowa to become self-sufficient.

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