Consider what just 1% of your assets could accomplish for a charity close to your heart.

For information about specific donations needed, please connect with our Administrative Office.

Mid-Sioux Opportunity Inc. is a 501(c)3 private non-profit organization operating in Northwest Iowa. Charitable donations made to Mid-Sioux are always needed and may have a tax benefit to the donor.

You can donate to a specific program or purpose within Mid-Sioux, just indicate where you'd like your donation to be applied when donating.

Non-cash donations must be evaluated for suitability prior to acceptance. We may suggest another organization if an item is not suitable to any of our programs.

Cash or check donations can be sent to Mid-Sioux, 418 S Marion Street, Remsen, IA 51050, and please indicate whether your donation is restricted for a specific program use.

For more information about donations, suggestions, and needs, or if you just have any questions, please contact your local outreach office.

You Give to Make a Difference

The charitable organizations you support today will also touch the future. They will be creating your vision for a better world long after your lifetime. Their work, and the lives they touch, can be YOUR legacy.